Research- Molecular Evolution


Hana Jaafari, Carlos Bueno, Nicholas P Schafer, Jonathan Martin, Faruck Morcos, Peter G Wolynes. The physical and evolutionary energy landscapes of devolved protein sequences corresponding to pseudogenes. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 121(21), e2322428121, 2024. (Perspective)


Sophia Alvarez, Charisse M Nartey, Nicholas Mercado, Jose Alberto de la Paz, Tea Huseinbegovic, Faruck Morcos. In vivo functional phenotypes from a computational epistatic model of evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 121(6), e2308895121, 2024. (Perspective)


Faruck Morcos Characterizing the landscape of evolvability Nature Ecology & Evolution. 1-2, 2022. (Perspective)


Jose A. De la Paz, Charisse M. Nartey, Monisha Yuvaraj and Faruck Morcos Epistatic contributions promote the unification of incompatible models of neutral molecular evolution Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Vol. 117 (11), 5873-5882, 2020.


Ryan R. Cheng, Olle Nordesjö, Ryan L. Hayes, Herbert Levine, Samuel C. Flores, José N. Onuchic, Faruck Morcos. Connecting the sequence-space of bacterial signaling proteins to phenotypes using coevolutionary landscapes Molecular Biology and Evolution. 2016

[Science Daily] [NSF news]


Faruck Morcos, Nicholas P. Schafer, Ryan R. Cheng, Jose N. Onuchic and Peter G. Wolynes. Coevolutionary Information, Protein Folding Landscapes and the Thermodynamics of Natural Selection. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 111(34): 12408-12413, 2014
Press Highlight in ScienceNewsline: From Eons to Seconds, Proteins Exploit the Same Forces


Ryan Cheng, Faruck Morcos, Herbert Levine and Jose N. Onuchic. Towards rationally redesigning bacterial two-component signaling systems using coevolutionary information. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA . 111(5): E563-71, 2014
Press Highlight in Researchers tune in to protein pairs: Team quanti es how mutations a ffect cell signaling in bacteria


Faruck Morcos, Biman Jana, Terence Hwa and Jose N. Onuchic. Coevolutionary signals across protein lineages help capture multiple protein conformations. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. Vol 110, No. 51, p. 20533-20538. 2013
Press Highlight in ScienceDaily: Proteins' passing phases revealed


Joanna I. Sulkowska*, Faruck Morcos*, Martin Weigt, Terence Hwa and Jose N. Onuchic. Genomics-aided structure prediction. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. Vol. 109, No. 26, p. 10340-45, 2012. (*equivalent contribution)
Protein residues kiss, don't tell: Genomes reveal contacts, scientists refine methods for protein-folding prediction


Faruck Morcos*, Andrea Pagnani*, Bryan Lunt, Arianna Bertolino, Debora S. Marks, Chris Sander, Riccardo Zecchina,
Jose N. Onuchic, Terence Hwa and Martin Weigt. Direct-coupling analysis of residue coevolution captures native contacts across many protein families. Proc Nat Acad Sci USA. Vol. 108, No. 49, E1293-E1301, 2011. (*equivalent contribution)